„The New York Times” o polskich kryminałach – w…
Na łamach „International New York Times” Ginanne Brownell zapowiada: po skandynawskich kryminałach nadchodzi czas na polskie. Obok Marka Krajewskiego i Zygmunta Miłoszewskiego cytuje M&M Kuźmińskich:
Mr. Kuzminski added that, “For decades, Poland was perceived as terra incognita, whereas now, we are on the other side of this cultural boundary, part of the European Union, but we are still very different in terms of history and culture.” He added, “The phenomenon of Scandinavian crime was based on what is behind this highly developed civil society and welfare state, which is the common ground of their crime stories. Whereas here in Poland, we are dealing with our past, with our traumas, our developments.”